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Distributed for Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Illustrated Rhododendron

In a celebration of these wonderful shrubs, Pat Halliday presents the classification of the genus Rhododendron as proposed by the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, using as a medium the beautiful illustrations from Curtis’s Botanical Magazine.

There are 121 plates representing all the subgenera, sections and series within this complex genus. The new text by Pat Halliday that accompanies each plate provides an account of the species in cultivation, history, distribution in the wild, habitat, relationship with other species and classification. The Illustrated Rhododendron is compulsive reading for rhododendron enthusiasts and provides a veritable feast of paintings by some of the finest botanical artists.

280 pages | illustrated throughout

Biological Sciences: Botany

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Table of Contents

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine
                Brief history of the magazine
List of species illustrated
                Alphabetical list
                Numerical list
Classification of Rhododendron
                Outline of the classification of the genus
Cultivation of Rhododendrons
                Cultivation notes on temperate rhododendrons
                Cultivation of subtropical rhododendrons
The Rhododendron Portraits
                Subgenus Rhododendron
                                Section Vireya
                                Section Rhododendron
                                Section Pogonanthum
                Subgenus Hymenanthes
                                Section Ponticum
                Subgenus Azaleastrum
                                Section Azaleastrum
                                Section Choniastrum
                Subgenus Tsutsusi
                                Section Tsutsusi
                                Section Brachycalyx
                Subgenus Pentanthera
                                Section Pentanthera
                                Section Rhodora
                                Section Viscidula
                                Section Schiadorhodion
                Subgenus Mumeazalea
                Subgenus Candidastrum
                Subgenus Therorhodion
A few classical inter-group hybrids
                List of all species appearing in Curtis’s Botanical Magazine
References and selected bibliography

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