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Distributed for University College Dublin Press

The Green Republic

A Visit to South Tyrone

The Green Republic, a novel first published in 1902, actually describes real characters and events at the turn of the century in Poyntzpass, Co. Armagh. O’Gara’s fictional town of Jigglestreet in South Tyrone accurately represents the real Poyntzpass where O’Gara, under his real name - William Robert MacDermott (1839-1918) - worked as a dispensary doctor. The ’novel’ is both a sophisticated sociological study of rural Ulster Protestants and a political argument for instituting joint stock company management of Irish agriculture. For MacDermott, the ’Green Republic’ was an ironic title used not to describe Irish nationalism but to express his fears about the rise of the new force in agriculture - the former tenant farmers who were gaining title to their land. MacDermott believed that as long as irresponsible power remained in the hands of the old landlords or the new owner/occupiers, Irish agriculture would never operate to maximise production for the common good. The introduction is written by Edward A. Hagan.

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Table of Contents

Introduction by Edward A. Hagan The Green Republic - Preface, Introduction, Mrs M’Kibbin, Minister Kaye, The Temple of Esculapius, Jigglestreet, De Aenigmatibus Diabolicis, Doctor Capel, Count M’Qhan, The American Money, Doctor John, The Reverend Cinamon, Tyrkane Fort, Megillo’s Corner, Conclusion

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