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Symbolic Interaction and Cultural Studies

Symbolic interactionism, resolutely empirical in practice, shares theoretical concerns with cultural studies and humanistic discourse. Recognizing that the humanities have engaged many of the important intellectual currents of the last twenty-five years in ways that sociology has not, the contributors to this volume fully acknowledge that the boundary between the social sciences and the humanities has begun to dissolve. This challenging volume explores that border area.

296 pages | 6.00 x 8.90 | © 1990

Culture Studies

Rhetoric and Communication

Sociology: General Sociology

Table of Contents

1 Introduction, Michal M. McCall and Howard S. Becker
2 Social Interaction, Culture, and Historical Studies, John R. Hall
3 The Good News about Life History, Michal M. McCall and Judith Wittner
4 Studying Religion in the Eighties, Mary Jo Neitz
5 Why Philosophers Should Become Sociologists (and Vice Versa), Kathryn Pyne Addelson
6 Art Worlds: Developing the Interactionist Approach to Social Organization, Samuel Gilmore
7 Symbolic Interactionism in Social Studies of Science, Adele E. Clarke and Elihu M. Gerson
8 Fit for Postmodern Selfhood, Barry Glassner
9 People Are Talking: Conversation Analysis and Symbolic Interaction, Deirdre Boden

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