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The Cognitive Paradigm

4th Edition

In this study of the cognitive paradigm, De Mey applies the study of computer models of human perception to the philosophy and sociology of science.

"A most stimulating, and intellectually delightful book."—John Goldsmith

"[De Mey] has brought together an unusually wide range of material, and suggested some interesting lines of thought, about what should be an important application of cognitive science: The understanding of science itself."—Cognition and Brain Theory

"It ought to be on the shelf of every teacher and researcher in the field and on the reading list of any student or practitioner seriously interested in how those they serve are likely to set about knowing."—ISIS

346 pages | 30 figures, 4 tables | 6 x 9 | © 1992

Cognitive Science: General Works

Philosophy of Science

Sociology: Theory and Sociology of Knowledge

Table of Contents

Introduction to the 1992 Edition
Part One: Introduction to the Cognitive View
1. The Development of the Cognitive View
Perception, Pattern Recognition and Picture-processing
Communication and Language Processing
The Generic Scheme
2. World Views and Models
The Multiplicity of World Views
The Simplest Model of a World View
’Self’ and ’I’ as Parts of a World View
World Views as Social Entities
Combination and Interaction of World Views
Information Processing and Views on Science
A Prefatory Task
3. Positivism as a Monadic View
Positivism and Scientism
Empiristic Units of Knowledge
Helmholtz’s Cognitive Model
Scientific Metaphysics
From Dualism to Neutral Monism
The Status of Concepts
Scientific Concepts: Clusters of Monads
4. Logical Positivism: A Structural View
The Structure of Natural Language
The Logical Reconstruction of Language
The Emphasis on Structure
The Logical Positivist Model of Scientific Theory
Logical Positivist Philosophy of Science
5. Contexts of Science: Sciences of Science
Merton’s Norms of Science
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors
The Personality of the Scientist
The Multiplicity of Arguments in the History of Science
The Multiplicity of Scopes in History of Science
The Science of Science
6. The Cognitive View on Science: Paradigms
An Integrated Approach to the Copernican Revolution
The Standard Account of the Kuhnian Model
Paradigms as Cognitive Units
Conceptual Schemes and the Functions of Paradigms
Disciplinary Matrix and Exemplar
The Social Nature of Paradigms
Part Two: The Social Structure of Science
7. Bibliometrics and the Structure of Science
Bibliometrics and Research on Science
The Growth of Science
The Detection of Growth Points and Secondary Literature
The Metabolism of Growth and Primary Literature
Citation Networks
Co-citation Clustering
Bibliometrics and Scientometrics
8. Informal Groups and the Origin of Networks
Invisible Colleges and Specialties
Characteristics of Invisible Colleges
Invisible Colleges and Small Groups
Communication Patterns and Information Flow
Interdisciplinary and the Origin of Specialties
Migrations into Psychology: Two Examples
Innovation and Discipleship
9. The Life Cycle of Scientific Specialties
The Stages of the Specialty Life Cycle
Regulative Mechanisms and Growth
Finalization: Cognitive and Social in Sequence?
Escalatory Expansions of Diffusion Studies
Forms of Specialties and Patterns of Life Cycles
Social Studies of Science

Part Three: Cognitive Structure and Dynamics of Science
10. Paradigms and the Psychology of Attention and Perception
Gestalt Perception and Gestalt Switch as Exemplars
Perception and Selective Attention
A Stratified Model of Perception
Interactive and Integrative Processes in Perception
Analysis of a Gestalt Switch in Science: Harvey’s Discovery
11. Puzzle-solving and Reorganization of World Views
Defaults and Exemplars
Problem-solving and Debugging
Puzzle-solving and Heterarchical Control
Procedural Aspects of Scientific Knowledge
Self-world Segmentation and Compatibility of World Views
Paradigms and Perspectives
12. Conservation and the Dynamics of Conceptual Systems
Scientific Knowledge and Children’s Concepts
Action and Adaptation
Table Tennis Ball Expertise
Piaget’s Stages and the Finalization-model
Conservation and Closure of Conceptual Systems
Harvey: Conservation of the Blood?
Perspectives on an Object
Paradigms and Development
Individual Discovery and Social Success

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