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A TLS Companion

From the overthrow of the tsars until the sudden collapse of Soviet communism, the most influential Western analysts have reflected on and debated the rise and fall of communism in the pages of the TLS. The diverse opinions gathered in Communism: A TLS Companion reflect the succession of Western attitudes to the birth, growth, and death of communism.

Contributors to this volume include Isaac Deutscher, Eric Hobsbawm, Richard Pipes, Hugh Seton-Watson, Robert Conquest, Geoffrey Hosking, C. M. Woodhouse, Max Hayward, Leszek Kolakowski, Timothy Garton Ash, and many others of equal distinction. The volume is arranged in four sections covering the period leading to the Russian Revolution, the post-Revolution era of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin; the Soviet Union from World War II to 1968; and the final period of disillusionment and collapse.

350 pages | 5-3/8 x 8-1/2 | © 1993

The TLS Companions Series

Political Science: Political and Social Theory

Table of Contents

Editor’s Note
Introduction by Ferdinand Mount
I: Distant Thunder, 1902-1917
The Failure of Russia
Secret Agents in Peckham
Luigi Villari
The Coming Extinction of Socialism
Marx Overrated
John MacDonell
The February Revolution
Arthur Clutton-Brock
Which Revolution?
II: The Achievement of Power, 1918-1939
Marx and the New World Order
Arthur Shadwell
"Tsar Nicholas the Third"
C. E. Beckhofer
Trotsky’s Russian Revolution
C. E. Beckhofer
Memories of Lenin
Harold Stannard
The Five-Year Plan
Arthur Shadwell
A New Civilization?
Ernest Barker
Spender’s Conversion
III: Homage to the Colossus, 1940-1968
Darkness at Noon
R. D. Charques
After the Nazi-Soviet Pact
R. D. Charques
Without the Question Mark
The Road to Serfdom
A Brief Visit to Animal Farm
From Burmese Days to Nineteen Eighty-Four
Julian Symons
Stalin Victorious
E. H. Carr
The God That Failed
Chambers as Witness
Shortages, Pollution, Decay
The Defection of Djilas
C. M. Woodhouse
Czechoslovakia under Gottwald
Robert Bruce Lockhart
Solzhenitsyn Published in the U.S.S.R.
Nicholas Bethell
The Comintern Betrayed
Isaac Deutscher
Intellectuals and Communism
E. J. Hobsbawm
Fifty Years on
E. H. Carr
The Great Terror
IV: Disillusion and Collapse, 1969-1991
Satellites since Stalin
E. H. Carr
The Beginnings of Dissent
The Pock-marked God
Richard Pipes
Conflict in Bohemia
Hugh Seton-Watson
The Myth of Euro-communism
Paul Johnson
Notes from Underground
Peter Reddaway
The Gulag Archipelago
Geoffrey Hosking
The China-Watchers
Simon Leys
A History in the Making
Leopold Labedz
Among the Ruins of Marxism
John Gray
August 1914
Geoffrey Hosking
Orwell and Nineteen Eighty-Four
Timothy Garton Ash
The Purge Expurgated
Robert Conquest
Kerensky Reconsidered
John Keep
Religion and Marxism
Leszek Kolakowski
Translating Nineteen Eighty-Four
Milan Simecka
The Murderous Gerontocracy
Michael B. Yahuda
Skeletons in the Archives
Norman Stone
Scribes at the Trough
Ronald Hingley
Total Fears
Bohumil Hrabal
The Leader of the Prologue
Archie Brown
The Fall of Lenin
Robert Conquest
Chronology of Events
Notes on Contributors
Index of Contributors and of Books and Authors Reviewed

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