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Readings in Linguistics I & II

This volume, consisting of nineteen articles from Readings in Linguistics I and twenty articles from Readings in Linguistics II, constitutes an invaluable collection of papers in English, German, and French on subjects of continuing interest to linguists of all schools. Complete with a new preface explaining the editors’ principles of selection and bibliographical citations, Readings in Linguistics I & II includes the influential work of Bloomfield, Trubetzkoy, Firth, Harris, and Kurylowicz, as well as important but less accessible articles by Vachek, Bazell, Chao, Fischer-Jorgensen, and Tesniere.

302 pages | 8-1/2 x 11 | © 1995

Language and Linguistics: General Language and Linguistics, Phonology and Phonetics

Table of Contents

Eric P. Hamp, Martin Joos, Fred W. Householder, and Robert Austerlitz
Readings in Linguistics I & II: Abridged Edition
Table of Contents
from Volume 1
Edward Sapir, Sound patterns in language, 1925.
Leonard Bloomfield, A set of postulates for the science of language, 1926.
Morris Swadesh, The phonemic principle, 1934.
Yuen-Ren Chao, The non-uniqueness of phonemic solutions of phonetic systems, 1934.
Archibald A. Hill, Phonetic and phonemic change, 1936.
W. Freeman Twaddell, A note on Old High German umlaut, 1938.
Morris Swadesh and Charles F. Voegelin, A problem in phonological alternation, 1939.
Bernard Bloch, Phonemic overlapping, 1941.
Zellig S. Harris, Simultaneous components in phonology, 1944.
Zellig S. Harris, From morpheme to utterance, 1946.
Rulon S. Wells, Immediate constituents, 1947.
Charles F. Hockett, Problems of morphemic analysis, 1947.
Charles F. Hockett, Implications of Bloomfield’s Algonquian studies, 1948.
Henry M. Hoenigswald, The prinicipal step in comparative grammar, 1950.
Charles F. Hockett, Peiping morphophonemics, 1950.
Bernard Bloch, Studies in colloquial Japanese IV, 1950.
Samuel E. Martin, Korean phonemics, 1951.
Floyd G. Lounsbury, The method of descriptive morphology, 1953.
Charles F. Hockett, Two models of grammatical description, 1954.
from Volume 2
Daniel Jones, The theory of phonemes, and its importance in practical linguistics, 1932.
N. S. Trubetzkoy, Das mordwinische phonologische System verglichen mit dem Russichen, 1932.
Jerzy Kurylowicz, Derivation lexicale et derivation syntaxique,1936.
Emile Benveniste, Nature du signe linguistique, 1939.
Lucien Tesniere, Phonologie et melange de langues, 1939.
N. S. Trubetzkoy Le Rapport entre le determine, le determinant et le defini, 1939.
H. J. Uldall, Speech and writing, 1944.
Josef Vachek, Some remarks on writing and phonetic transcription, 1945-49.
Jerzy Kurylowicz, La Nature des proces dits "analogiques", 1945-49.
J. R. Firth, Sounds and prosodies, 1948.
Robert Godel, Homonymie et identite, 1948.
C. E. Bazell, On the neutralization of syntactic oppositions, 1949.
C. E. Bazell, On the problem of the morpheme, 1949.
Jerzy Kurylowicz, Linguistique et theorie du signe, 1949.
Henning Spang-Hanssen, On the simplicity of descriptions, 1949.
Emile Benveniste, Actif et moyen dans le verbe, 1950.
Eli Fischer-Jorgensen, On the definition of phoneme categories on a distributional basis, 1952.
C. E. Bazell, The grapheme, 1956.
Jerzy Kurylowicz, La Position linquistique du nom propre, 1960.
Andre Martinet, Arbitaire linguistique et double articulation, 1957

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