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African Successes, Volume IV

Sustainable Growth

Studies of African economic development frequently focus on the daunting challenges the continent faces. From recurrent crises to ethnic conflicts and long-standing corruption, a raft of deep-rooted problems has led many to regard the continent as facing many hurdles to raise living standards. Yet Africa has made considerable progress in the past decade, with a GDP growth rate exceeding five percent in some regions. The African Successes series looks at recent improvements in living standards and other measures of development in many African countries with an eye toward identifying what shaped them and the extent to which lessons learned are transferable and can guide policy in other nations and at the international level.
The fourth volume in the series, African Successes: Sustainable Growth combines informative case studies with careful empirical analysis to consider the prospects for future African growth.

Table of Contents

Series Introduction
Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson, and David N. Weil
Volume Introduction
Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson, and David N. Weil
I. Agriculture
1. The Decline and Rise of Agricultural Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa since 1961
Steven Block
2. Agriculture, Roads, and Economic Development in Uganda
Douglas Gollin and Richard Rogerson
3. The Sahel’s Silent Maize Revolution: Analyzing Maize Productivity in Mali at the Farm Level
Jeremy Foltz, Ursula Aldana, and Paul Laris
4. Contract Farming and Agricultural Productivity in Western Kenya
Lorenzo Casaburi, Michael Kremer, and Sendhil Mullainathan
5. The Determinants of Food-Aid Provisions to Africa and the Developing World
Nathan Nunn and Nancy Qian
6. International and Intranational Market Segmentation and Integration in West Africa
Jenny C. Aker, Michael W. Klein, and Stephen A. O’Connell
II. Country Studies
7. Cape Verde and Mozambique as Development Successes in West and Southern Africa
Jorge Braga de Macedo and Luís Brites Pereira
8. Mauritius: African Success Story
Jeffrey Frankel
9. Indirect Rule and State Weakness in Africa: Sierra Leone in Comparative Perspective
Daron Acemoglu, Isaías N. Chaves, Philip Osafo-Kwaako, and James A. Robinson
Author Index
Subject Index

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